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Jaką panną młodą jesteś?

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  • 2010-11-22
    Świetny psychotest!
  • 2010-11-22
    Ja jestem perfekcyjną - czytaj KRWAWĄ Panną Mlodą. po części się zgadza
  • 2010-11-24
    Ale kaszanka, w ogóle nie wyszła prawda. Wyszła mi rozsądna panna młoda, ale cały opis sie nie zgadza. Szczególnie początek!
  • Ola
    Gnijąca panna młoda... świetny film, z moim ulubionym JD w orginalnej wersji. Czy dlatego mój ukochany ma nogi jak patyczak?:P
  • 2010-11-27
    psychotest się zgadza praiwe w 100% ! :)
  • 2010-11-27
    ROmantyczna panna młoda. Zgadza się w 100%
  • 2010-11-29
    Perfekcyjna panna młoda. Zgadza się w 100%. Ślub w przyszłym roku we wrześniu a u mnie wszystko zaplanowane co do każdego szczegóły. Taka po prostu jestem:)
  • 2010-12-01
  • Iz
    ja niemal w 100% taka jak jestem - niezalezna, on - jakbym czytałą o kims zupelnie innym :P hmm
  • 2010-12-16
    Perfekcyjna Panna młoda :) wiele cech się zgadza
  • 2010-12-20
    Idiotyczny test o wartości którego niech świadczy fakt, iż redakcja portalu mam problemy ortografią języka polskiego. "Pobież" (sic!)?? Co to ma być??
  • 2010-12-27
    Dziękujemy Pani Kazimiero za uwagę, błąd poprawiliśmy. Ostatnia wypowiedź świadczy, że również u Pani interpunkcja i stylistyka szwankują ;-)
  • 2011-04-12
    ale odlooooot!
  • 2011-12-12
  • 2013-02-20
    świetne a na dodatek się zgadza :)) A co do poprzedniej wypowiedzi o ile napisała to Kazimiera Szczuka to wszystko wszystkim ale każdemu błąd się może zdarzyć i nie świadczy to o idiotyczności testu. Poza tym test jest kierowany do przyszłej panny młodej a nie starej panny :>
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  • 2013-06-18
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    I've just graduated <a href=" ">buy bimatoprost with no prescription</a> “It’s a composed cycle,” London says. “It starts with underwater sounds, with clicks of the bugs. Then you hear the surface of the water, from the artist’s canoe moving through. Then, it moved upwards to sounds bats are making in the air with their navigation system.”
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    I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=" ">bimatoprost 0.3 mg</a> "While we could get a pullback on worries about the debtceiling and the continuing resolution, my guess is it will gothe same way as the fiscal cliff went - a bunch of sound andfury signifying nothing," said Jeffrey Saut, chief investmentstrategist at Raymond James Financial in St. Petersburg,Florida.
  • 2014-11-15
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  • Umi
    Well put, sir, well put. I'll ceilarnty make note of that.
  • 2015-10-02
  • 2015-10-08
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  • 2015-12-21
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  • 2015-12-21
  • 2015-12-22
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  • 2016-08-31
    Have you got any ?
  • 2016-08-31
    Can you put it on the scales, please?
  • 2016-08-31
    I like watching football
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm in my first year at university
  • 2016-08-31
    Do you know the address?
  • 2016-08-31
    I've lost my bank card
  • 2016-08-31
    I'd like to send this to
  • 2016-08-31
    Will I have to work on Saturdays?
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm not interested in football
  • 2016-08-31
    I'd like to open a personal account
  • 2016-08-31
    Do you know each other?
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm from England
  • 2016-08-31
    What are the hours of work?
  • 2016-08-31
    Special Delivery
  • 2016-08-31
    A staff restaurant
  • 2016-08-31
    I've just started at
  • 2016-08-31
    There's a three month trial period
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm not working at the moment
  • 2016-08-31
    Would you like to leave a message?
  • 2016-08-31
    I'd like to transfer some money to this account
  • 2016-08-31
    Whereabouts are you from?
  • 2016-08-31
    What do you study?
  • 2016-08-31
    We work together
  • 2016-08-31
    Whereabouts in are you from?
  • 2016-08-31
    I'd like to transfer some money to this account
  • 2016-08-31
    Your account's overdrawn
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm only getting an answering machine
  • 2016-08-31
    Hold the line, please
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm at Liverpool University
  • 2016-08-31
    The National Gallery
  • 2016-08-31
    Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
  • 2016-08-31
    How much were you paid in your last job?
  • 2016-08-31
    I've only just arrived
  • 2016-08-31
    magic story very thanks
  • 2016-08-31
    This is your employment contract
  • 2016-08-31
    How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
  • 2016-08-31
    I sing in a choir
  • 2016-08-31
    Where did you go to university?
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm interested in
  • 2016-08-31
    I saw your advert in the paper
  • 2016-08-31
    I don't like pubs
  • 2016-08-31
    Where do you live?
  • 2016-08-31
    Do you play any instruments?
  • 2016-08-31
    About a year
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm sorry, he's
  • 2016-08-31
    A First Class stamp
  • 2016-08-31
    Where are you calling from?
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm not sure
  • 2016-08-31
    How long are you planning to stay here?
  • 2016-08-31
    Could I take your name and number, please?
  • 2016-08-31
    Excellent work, Nice Design
  • 2016-08-31
    I'd like to change some money
  • 2016-08-31
    I'm on work experience
  • 2016-08-31
    How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
  • 2016-08-31
    I was born in Australia but grew up in England
  • 2016-08-31
    What do you do for a living?
  • 2016-08-31
    How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
  • 2016-08-31
    I don't like pubs
  • 2016-08-31
    We need someone with qualifications
  • 2016-08-31
    What line of work are you in?
  • 2016-08-31
    US dollars
  • 2016-08-31
    I've been made redundant
  • 2016-08-31
    I hate shopping
  • 2016-08-31
    An accountancy practice
  • Ian
  • 2016-08-31
    US dollars
  • 2016-08-31
    Have you got a current driving licence?
  • 2016-08-31
    Which university are you at?
  • Ava
    I like it a lot
  • 2016-08-31
    I saw your advert in the paper
  • 2016-08-31
    Jonny was here
  • 2016-08-31
    I like watching football
  • 2016-08-31
    Why did you come to ?
  • 2016-08-31
    It's serious
  • 2016-08-31
    Why did you come to ?
  • 2016-08-31
    this post is fantastic
  • 2016-08-31
    Do you need a work permit?
  • 2016-08-31
    The manager
  • 2016-08-31
    Can you put it on the scales, please?
  • 2016-08-31
    Please wait
  • 2016-08-31
    I work here
  • 2016-08-31
    I'd like to transfer some money to this account
  • 2016-08-31
    Who would I report to?
  • 2016-08-31
    Would you like to leave a message?
  • 2016-08-31
    I'd like to take the job
  • 2016-08-31
    Remove card
  • 2016-08-31
    I'd like to send this letter by
  • 2016-08-31
    Will I get paid for overtime?
  • 2016-08-31
    I don't like pubs
  • 2016-08-31
    I was born in Australia but grew up in England
  • 2016-09-01
    What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
  • 2016-09-01
    I didn't go to university
  • 2016-09-01
    How do you do?
  • 2016-09-01
    I'd like to apply for this job
  • 2016-09-01
    I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
  • 2016-09-01
    i'm fine good work
  • 2016-09-01
    I'd like to withdraw $100, please
  • 2016-09-01
    I'm interested in this position
  • 2016-09-01
    How long are you planning to stay here?
  • 2016-09-01
    I'd like to pay this in, please
  • 180
  • 2016-11-19
    Big help, big help. And suparletive news of course.
  • 2016-11-19
  • 2016-11-19
  • 2016-11-19
  • 2016-11-22
  • 2017-08-05
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  • Д о б р ы й д е н ь ! Н а п о м и н а е м о В а ш е м в ы и г р ы ш н о м б и л е т е Г о с Л о т о ! П о л у ч и т е в ы и г р ы ш : SVWVE1660096JUYEGRT
  • 2020-11-29
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  • 2021-01-01
    mns132609rttyneg aYgZtoD MVt7 2c99rLO
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    mys132609utr RjY1KZl 1gt7 PxkwJDX
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    mps169372rtjuny lF3WpzY rorE prk8Rkk
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    mps169372rtjuny lF3WpzY rorE prk8Rkk
  • 2021-02-12
    mps169372rtjuny lF3WpzY rorE prk8Rkk
  • 2021-02-12
    mps169372rtjuny lF3WpzY rorE prk8Rkk
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    mps169372rtjuny lF3WpzY rorE prk8Rkk
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    mns62045rtjuny 5rPkkL7 yNp2 5RukgFI
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    mis62045uttjr ZVcWlkb 6269 L12U0Op
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    mps1868947utr zOeuFoi rstu PX1sJ9z
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  • 2023-07-22
  • 2023-07-22
  • zCtx
  • zCtx
  • zCtx
  • zCtx
  • 2023-07-22
  • 2023-07-22
  • 2023-07-22
  • 2023-07-22
    (SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(0x716b716a71,(CASE WHEN (1184=1184) THEN 0x31 ELSE 0x30 END)),0x717a706b71))
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx AND EXTRACTVALUE(7443,CONCAT(0x5c,0x716b716a71,(SELECT (ELT(7443=7443,1))),0x717a706b71))
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx AND EXTRACTVALUE(7443,CONCAT(0x5c,0x716b716a71,(SELECT (ELT(7443=7443,1))),0x717a706b71))-- zuXa
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx AND (SELECT 3149 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))uNeQ)
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx AND (SELECT 3149 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))uNeQ)-- Ueld
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx') ORDER BY 1-- -
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx' ORDER BY 1-- -
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx) ORDER BY 1-- -
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx ORDER BY 1-- -
  • 2023-07-22
    zCtx ORDER BY 1-- -
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